The mission of Y-STEAM is to provide community-oriented learning experiences, which are centered on a rigorous curriculum and authentic learning opportunities that inspire innovation, inquiry, critical thinking, and academic excellence. The integration of Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Mathematics will foster and develop a lifelong passion for learning while preparing YCSD scholars for personal and professional success.

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Photograph of Y-STEAM scholars on a stage wearing Y-STEAM t-shirts
  • Photograph of Y-STEAM scholars on a stage wearing Y-STEAM t-shirts


    The mission of Y-STEAM is to provide community-oriented learning experiences, which are centered on a rigorous curriculum and authentic learning opportunities that inspire innovation, inquiry, critical thinking, and academic excellence. The integration of Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Mathematics will foster and develop a lifelong passion for learning while preparing YCSD scholars for personal and professional success.

  • A family attends the Literacy Arts Expo presented by Parent Pathways

    Parent Pathways

    Parent Pathways serves as a communication link with parents and families and as an advocate for school and community involvement.

  • Female teacher writing on a white board

    Teaching & Learning

    The Teaching and Learning Department supports teachers in their acquisition of the knowledge and skills needed to deliver grade level content to all scholars.

  • Animated photo of the technology and IT team

    Information Technology

    The Department of Information Technology is responsible for all major technology initiatives throughout the Youngstown City School District.

  • Team YCSD at an employee retreat

    Human Resources

    The YCSD Department of Human Resources strives to be a customer service oriented knowledgeable team dedicated to recruiting & retaining a diverse workforce of highly-qualified leaders dedicated towards supporting our scholars and the Youngstown community.

  • A family attends the Literacy Arts Expo presented by Parent Pathways

    Parent Pathways

    Parent Pathways serves as a communication link with parents and families and as an advocate for school and community involvement.

  • Female teacher writing on a white board

    Teaching & Learning

    The Teaching and Learning Department supports teachers in their acquisition of the knowledge and skills needed to deliver grade level content to all scholars.

  • Animated photo of the technology and IT team

    Information Technology

    The Department of Information Technology is responsible for all major technology initiatives throughout the Youngstown City School District.

  • Team YCSD at an employee retreat

    Human Resources

    The YCSD Department of Human Resources strives to be a customer service oriented knowledgeable team dedicated to recruiting & retaining a diverse workforce of highly-qualified leaders dedicated towards supporting our scholars and the Youngstown community.